The market has a tendency to sway in the same direction a lot, which helps us understand what’s popular, but does little for LPs looking to differentiate from competitors. Eventually market saturation happens, and LPs all start looking the same with the cultivars they’re putting out, which we’re seeing now with many of the dessert and gas strains.
Introducing the Vi Mother Program.
You don’t have to be limited by your in-house genetics. With our new Vi Mother Program, you can select any cultivar from our award-winning catalogue and have us grow your mother plants here on site for you.
Add some fire to your roster!
Ask us about optional exclusivity. Available for 12 month terms.
Live Plants (active) cultivars: Ready in 8 weeks
Tissue Culture cultivars: Ready in 12 weeks (4 weeks - TC to Clone, 8 weeks - Clone to RTF)
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